Can safety eyewear hurt my vision?
There’s a long-standing myth that wearing safety glasses can harm your vision. Workers are worried whether or not it’s healthy for their eyes to be looking through a “plastic” (aka polycarbonate)...
There’s a long-standing myth that wearing safety glasses can harm your vision. Workers are worried whether or not it’s healthy for their eyes to be looking through a “plastic” (aka polycarbonate)...
Fogging is the #1 hazard when it comes to safety eyewear. This is mainly due to how anti-fog safety glasses fit - close to your head. The low profile is necessary to keep dust, debris, and other...
Arc flash – it sounds serious, and with over 30,000 incidents and 400 fatalities per year*, it’s deadly serious. An arc flash occurs when there is a sudden release of electrical energy through the...
Working long hours out in high temperatures can cause the body’s internal temperature to rise, resulting in discomfort, fatigue, and in worse cases severe heat stress or stroke. According to the...